Sunday, June 29, 2014


The Bell Tower, round-a-bout and new entrance were added in the fall of 2011 - these pictures were made FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011.

New entrance and bank under construction in 2011.

Here you can see sections of the Round-A-Bout have been added. This picture was made         from the Veterans' Park looking down on the highway in the area where the entrance to the       Park will eventually be. Grass and straw have been added, etc.

In this picture made from the Highway you can see the Bell Tower, Soldiers, and the 
walled corner where the new drive way enters from the Round-A-Bout being constructed.

The last two pictures were made after the sign and landscaping were completed.

CCVMP Records donated to UWG for safe keeping.


 (The Park Committee approved this action - best archives available.  Additional records can be added.  All records are available to review and/or copy.)

     1. BLOG postings May 2007 through August 2, 2013
     2. Pictures with Information
     3. Officers and Directors 2003 -2013
     4. Committee Chairs and members
     5. Park Programs – featured speakers – Nov. 2001 through May 2013
     6. Current Brochure plus 2006 and 2007
     7. Membership Directory as of July 22, 2013
     8. Committee Meeting Minutes –  November 1999 through 2012 (No December Meetings)
     9. Alphabetical list of Plaques on Walls of Honor # 1 through 21 (1,008)
     10. Numerical list of Plaques on Walls of Honor # 1 through 21 (1,008)
      11. List of Bricks – alphabetical (819)
      12. Bylaws
      13. Legal and Tax Documents
1    14. Annual Audit Report – 2005 for year 7-1-2004 – 12-31-2004 through 2012 dated 2013. Included is December Bank Statement for each Audit Report 
1    15. 2000 – 2003 General Journal Original pages with note 24 March 2003 M.E. (Eddie)          Gaines elected treasurer w/bk. stmt. showing $21,354.31 Balance (Ck. #1059 signed by Sally Burson & Nellie Duke).  Bk. Stmt. For 12-31-2003 showing $46,326.28 balance.
2000 – 2003 copies of general journal with notes when NAG and Jim Crawford filed 2004 Form 990.  Copy of letter of January 9, 2004 to Nellie Duke from Norris A. Garrett asking for financial records of first transactions – the records turned over to Eddie Gaines began with a balance of $11,720.
2004 Form 990EZ and available records
2005 Form 990EZ and available records
2006 – 2012 Forms 990EZ, financial statements, Income & Disbursement records
16. Check Register 12-30-2004 through 12-9-2008
17. CCVMP Awards and Honors
18. Grant Request, etc. 2000 – 2012 – one large 3 ring binder.
19. Park Scrapbooks – two large 3 ring binders filled.
20. Plaques on the Walls of Honor – Original draft for Plaque # 1 through 21 (1,008)

PLEASE NOTE:  On 9-23-2013 Item # 16 Check Register returned to us along with some duplicate brochures. Also returned were some loose pages: Master list of Walls 5 & 6, 11-11-2000 Banquet and program script, copies of Veterans records, copy of 10-16-2000 letter from Nellie Duke re 11-11-2000 program on courthouse steps, etc. (These were given to Norris Garrett.)

These records can be found on line at: And, the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park records are listed here:

If that doesn’t work try:
1. West Georgia, Carrollton & Beyond
2. Search (top right) Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park
3. Local History
4. Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park, 1999-2013

Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Committee donates some of the Park Historical Records to the Special Collections, Ingram Library at the University West Georgia, on August 19, 2013.  Suzanne K. Durham (right), Head of Special Collections, received the records from Violette Denney, Treasurer of the Veterans Memorial Park, and Norris Garrett President of the Park.  These will be archived and available for research at the University Library.  After the transfer of the records Durham took a tour of the Park with Denney and was able to see the various features of the Park and see Wall of Honor 22 which is being installed.





The Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Committee's mission is to plan, build, equip and maintain a park to honor military veterans of the United States of America from the American Revolution forward who are currently living in Carroll County, who have lived in Carroll County at some time or who have Carroll County connections and who honorably served their country.
We, all volunteers, want to promote patriotism and  ____________________________


I believe in the United States of America
 as a government of the people, by the
people, for the people, whose just powers
 are derived from the consent of the
governed, a democracy in a Republic,
a sovereign Nation of many sovereign
States, a perfect Union, one and
inseparable; established upon those
principles of freedom, equality, justice,
and humanity for which American
patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my
country to love it; to support its constitution;
to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to
defend it against all enemies.                                                                          
William Tyler Page

(2013 Brochure showed list of contributors giving more than $500 and these names
appear on the Contributor Wall of Honor in the Park. )


The Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park is in need of funds to continue construction of the park.  The contributors are listed below, except the gifts of less than $500.

G. C. & Sallie Burson
Carroll County Board of Commissioners
City of Carrollton, Georgia
State of Georgia

GOLD SPONSORS $10,000 TO $19,999
Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
Community Foundation of West GA
Dr. Mac & Carol Martin

SILVER SPONSORS $1,000 TO $9,999
Gary & Kara Aldridge
American Legion Post # 143
AMVETS Post 99
Bethesda Baptist Church
Bowdon Golf Tournament
Carroll County Master Gardeners Assoc.
Carroll E.M.C.
Carrollton Evening Sertoma Club
Carrollton Junior Woman’s Club
Jim and Delores Carter
C. B. & T. Bank
Center for Allergy & Asthma of  West Ga.
Community Bank of West Ga.
James Donald Denney
First Christian Church, Carrollton
First UMC, Adult Friendship Class
Fulford Family Foundation, Inc.
Vaughn & Betty Gaddis
Georgia Power Foundation
Graddick Communications
GreyStone Power Corp.
Haney’s Drug Store
Integrity Bank
Kiwanis, Carrollton
Red & Hilda Lambert
Sheriff Terry Langley
Danny & Susan Mabry
Patrick Malloy Communities
Midway Macedonia Baptist Church
The Richards Foundation, Inc.
Roush Family Foundation
Warren & Ava F. Sewell Foundation
Aubrey Silvey Enterprises
SMI, Inc.
Southwire Company
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Tanner Health System
United Community Bank
Wal-Mart Foundation
West Metro Board of Realtors
West Georgia National Bank

Abraham Baldwin Chapter, NSDAR
A & W Appraisal, Inc.
Alex Roush Architects, Inc.
Almon Funeral Home
AMVETS Post 99, Ladies Auxiliary
Don & Johnnie Baldwin
State Rep. Timothy J. Bearden
Brad Cole Construction Co.
Dr. John & Barbara Burson
Bruce A. & Sandra Camp
Carroll County Citizens Council
Carroll County Historical Society
Carroll County Genealogical Society
Carrollton Civic Woman’s Club
Carrollton Golden K Kiwanis
Carrollton Evening Sertoma Club
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Cash
Gordon Chandler
Gwyn Brown Chesnut
Clem Community Civic Club
Cole Family Charitable Foundation
In loving Memory of Loren Cole
William & Charlotte Cowart
Donald & Violette Denney
D’Hollosy Heating and Cooling
Don-Rich Ford Company, Inc.
Jason & Emily Ellis
First Baptist Church, Carrollton
First National Bank of Georgia
Barry & Patricia Garrett
Norris & Jo Garrett
Georgia Master Gardener Association
Commissioner Jimmy Godbee
Charles & Dell Griffin,
Richard D. Guynn
Billy & Angel Harp
Hollis & Joyce Harris
William (Bill) A. Head, Sr.
Willard Q. & Maureen Denney Jones
The Roger E. Knowles Family
Lee and Evelyn Laster
William C. and Wanda Maddox
Martin & Hightower Funeral Home
McDaniel-Curtis Camp 165, SCV
McIntosh Commercial Bank
McIntosh Trail Chapter MOAA
Paul L. Morris
Richard Plunkett
Sam & Linda Pyle
Ray & Frankie Roddenberry
Rotary Club of Carrollton, Inc.
Chester A. Roush, Jr.
Jewell P. & Helen Hutson Rowe
Frank & Mary Searcy
Jack Simon
Rebecca Lynn Smith
Spade and Trowel Garden Club
Tracy & Shirley Stallings
Dr. Dean B. Talley
West Georgia Internal Medicine
West Georgia Women’s Forum
Whitman Glass Shop
Lynne & Edith Witt
William and Mary Wiggins
Hugh Lee & Mertha C. Young


to provide recognition to veterans of all U. S. Military Forces, past, present, and future.  Our goal is to raise funds and accept donations to support the establishment and maintenance of a Veterans Memorial Park as a non-profit organization.

WHERE IS IT? It is located at 1050 Newnan Rd., just off the Hwy. 166 Bypass on Hwy. 16, next to the County Health Department.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ME? Every patriotic American certainly has a deep feeling and appreciation for their family members, friends and ancestors who have served this Country, preserved our freedoms and passed to us this precious land.


1.       It will provide you an opportunity to be part of this memorial and derive a sense of purpose in its establishment.
2.       Your efforts will help raise the necessary funds to make this Community symbol of our patriotism and appreciation a reality.
3.       The Park will be a place where you can go to read the names of our veterans and especially note those Carroll County Veterans who have died in defense of our Freedom.
4.       You will realize this is a place for solemn reflection, prayerful dedication to our country, its ideals and freedoms and remember those listed on its walls, especially those on the Killed-in-Action Walls.
5.       You will know this place is for everyone and it will be standing proudly long after we are gone!
6.       You will contemplate which of your children, relatives and maybe even yourself that may be listed on these walls and what heroic deeds have been performed.
7.       Because it is the right thing to do.  After viewing this memorial, we will always remember: FREEDOM IS NOT FREE  

You are invited to attend our monthly meetings on the fourth Monday night (except December), at 6:00 P.M. at the AG-ED Center, 900 Newnan Road, Carrollton, GA 30116.

Part of our goal has been accomplished: 1,008 names on the 21 Walls Of Honor, 340 on KIA Walls, the Emblem Wall, POW/MIA Wall, Index, Contributor Wall of Honor, sign on Hwy.16, beautiful fountain, pavilion, Women‘s Memorial Wall, a Bell Tower and 793 engraved bricks. The service flags are replaced several times each year.  Six additional lights were installed for lighting.  After considerable expenditures and the contribution of a lot of labor, materials, equipment use, and expertise we find ourselves looking more appropriate today.  To continue our efforts to improve the park we need the following:

Additional Landscaping 
   and Equipment……………………...  $50,000.00
Maintenance Fund …………………… $25,000.00
Total needed now……………………    $75,000.00

From all school students to the largest business in the county, everyone can help:
ONE, contribute to the Park fund drive.  There is no such thing as a small gift, we appreciate them all. Donations are tax deductible. The park is an approved 501 (C) (3) organization.    
TWO, encourage all veterans who have Honorable Service to purchase a plaque for engraving their name and service record on the Wall of Honor.   ($300 donation is required) These make great gifts!
THREE, report the name of any Carroll County Veteran Killed-in-Action for inclusion on the KIA Wall – free!
FOUR, assist in the sale of granite BRICKS as part of the fund drive.  Any one may purchase any number and have a name inscribed in 28 spaces (14 spaces on two lines) on each one. The cost is $50 each. These make great gifts and memorials.

Landscaping Phase I was completed before the 2007 Memorial Day Program.  The Fountain was added before the 2008 Memorial Day Ceremony, in 2009 Jim Crawford dedicated our new Pavilion, in 2010 the Women Memorial Wall was completed, and 2011 we dedicated the Bell Tower. All this was possible because a lot of citizens helped.  In fact the contributions and donations of material and volunteer hours total over a million dollars.  We now have a Million Dollar Park!

We are maintaining Phase I while continuing Phase II landscaping.  The Fountain is the nearest item to the Walls of Honor and it was added first at a cost of almost $45,000.  The Pavilion was completed at a cost of $27,000 and the Women’s Memorial Wall cost about $40,000. The Bell Tower was purchased and installed for $16,453. All of these were constructed with material to match the existing Park. The entire park is handicapped accessible and open 24/7 for visitors.

The Women’s Memorial Wall was designed to recognize all women veterans.  We salute all the brave women who sacrificed and served our country. This wall is polished black granite and features images of women serving in all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, including the Merchant Marines. The wall was dedicated by Norris Garrett during the Memorial Day service on May 29th, 2010. Garrett retired from the U.S. Air Force after 27 years of service and is serving as President of the Park Committee.  Violette Denney dedicated the Bell Tower during the Veteran’s Day ceremony on November 12, 2011.  Denney has been a volunteer on the Park Committee for over 10 years and is continuing to serve as treasurer and finance chairman.


President:  Norris Garrett (W) 770-836-1111
                (H) 770-834-7085 cell 770-653-5007
       Vice President:  Ronnie Pate - 770-892-6715                              
       Secretary: Bill Maddox - 770-832-6442
       Treasurer: Violette Denney - 770-832-0671                                                        
       Credentials: Norris Garrett - See above.
John Bassett – 770-830-8808
Dale Robinson – 770-854-4150
Vaughn Gaddis - 770-832-1394
Bruce Holly - 770-214-1491
I want to make a
Contribution to the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park
Phone ______________________
Make checks payable and mail them to Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park, Inc., P.O. Box 1062,
Carrollton, Ga.  30112


Saturday, June 28, 2014

CCVMP OFFICERS 2003 - 2013 

2003 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Donald Allen
Secretary: Bill Maddox
Treasurer: Eddie Gaines
Committee Chairs: Architect – Ray Roddenberry
            Chaplain – Will Smith
            Construction – Larry Williams
            Credentials – Norris Garrett and Bill Maddox
            Finance – Frank Jones
            Historian – Bill Maddox
            Membership – Violette Denney
            Parliamentarian – Glen Wright
            Publicity – Roger Knowles

2004 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Donald Allen
Secretary: Bill Maddox
Treasurer: Jack Gilbert
New Directors: Roger Knowles and Glenn Wright
2nd Term Directors: Will Smith and Larry Williams

2005 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Jim Crawford
Secretary: Bill Maddox
Treasurer: Jack Gilbert
New Directors: Donald Allen and Will Smith
2nd. Term Directors: Roger Knowles and Glenn Wright

(Note: 2003, 2004, and 2005 Membership Chairman: Violette Denney)

2006 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Roger Knowles
Secretary: Bill Maddox
Treasurer: Violette H. Denney
New Directors: Donald Denney and Larry Jennings
2nd. Term Directors: Glenn Wright and Bill Head

2007 President: Roger Knowles
Vice President: Hugh Lee Young
Secretary: Janet Peters
Treasurer: Violette H. Denney
New Directors: Bill Maddox and Sam Pyle
2nd. Term Directors: Donald Denney & Larry Jennings

2008 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: J. P. Rowe
Secretary: Janet Peters
Treasurer: Violette H. Denney
New Directors: Carolyn Stone and Robert “Bob” Merrell
2nd. Term Directors: Bill Maddox and Sam Pyle

2009 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Sam Pyle
Secretary: Janet Peters
Treasurer: Violette H. Denney
New Directors: Bill Head and Frank Searcy
2nd. Term Directors: Carolyn Stone and Bob Merrell

2010 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Sam Pyle
Secretary: Janet Head
Treasurer: Violette H. Denney
New Directors: Carolyn Stone and Donald Levans
2nd. Term Directors: Bill Head and Frank Searcy

2011 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Bill Cowart
Secretary: Janet Head
Treasurer: Violette Denney
New Directors: Bill Head and Pete Rowe
2nd. Term Directors: Carolyn Stone and Donald Levans

2012 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Bill Cowart
Secretary: Bill Maddox
Treasurer: Violette H. Denney
New Directors: Vaughn Gaddis and Bruce Holley
2nd. Term Directors: Bill Head and Pete Rowe

2013 President: Norris A. Garrett
Vice President: Ronnie Pate
Secretary: Bill Maddox
Treasurer: Violette H. Denney
New Directors: John Bassett and Dale Robinson
2nd. Term Directors: Vaughn Gaddis and Bruce Holley


1.       Nov. 10, 2001 Veteran’s Day – Max Cleland, CPT USA, Georgia Senator
2.      May 2004 Memorial Day – LT COL Jack Gilbert, USMC, Marine Reserve  and Congressman Phil Gingrey
3.      Nov 2004 Veteran’s Day – CPT Cliff Harris, USA
4.      May 2005 Memorial Day – Dedicated KIA & POW/MIA Walls
5.      Nov 2005 Veteran’s Day – Dr. Mac Martin, CAPT USAF
6.      May 2006 Memorial Day – SGT MAJ Joel Willis, CMS USA
7.      Nov 2006 Veteran’s Day – SGT Sammy Robinson, USA, Contractor and Developer
8.     May 2007 Memorial Day – MAJ GEN Scott Hammond, USAF Georgia Air National Guard
9.      Nov. 2007 Veteran’s Day – LT COL Bill Hearnburg, USAF
10.  May 24, 2008 – LT  GEN David Poythress,USAF, Georgia Air National Guard Reserve
Fountain Dedication – Chaplain Bill Cowart - written by Violette Denney
11.   Nov. 2008 Veteran’s Day – Major Jean Youngblood, USAF
12.  May 2009 Memorial Day – COL Wayne Waddell, USAF, POW
Pavilion Dedicated by Jim Crawford
13.  Nov. 7, 2009 Veteran’s Day – BRIG GEN Maria L. Britt, Georgia Air National Guard
14.  May 29, 2010 Memorial Day – Dr. John H. Burson, III, LT.COL., USA, Army Reserve; Norris Garrett dedicated the Women’s Memorial Wall of Honor and recognized WASP June Drew
15.   Nov.   6, 2010 Veteran’s Day – LT  COL Margaret Miller Weitzel, USMC, Marine Reserve
16.  May 28, 2011 Memorial Day – Dr. Keith Berry, MAJ USAF,
17.   Nov. 12, 2011 Veteran’s Day – BRIG GEN Donald D. Harvel, USAF, Texas Air National Guard
Bell Tower dedicated by Violette Denney
18.  May 26, 2012 Memorial Day – Daniel Jackson, CIV
19.  Nov. 10, 2012 Veteran’s Day – Sheriff Terry Langley
20.  May 25, 2013 Program by Georgia American Legion POW/MIA Department – “You are not forgotten!”
21. Nov 9, 2013 Veteran's Day - Gary Bruton, Lt. Commander US Navy



The Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Committee has been busy for several years and it is showing.  “IT IS A VISIBLE SYMBOL OF OUR APPRECIATION”
The Park is designed as a tribute to the many sons and daughters who have served and/or died for this great nation.
MISSION STATEMENT: The Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Committee’s mission is to plan, build, equip and maintain a park to honor military veterans of the United States of America who are currently living in Carroll County, who have lived in Carroll County at some time, or who have Carroll County connections and who honorably served their country.

We, all volunteers, want to promote patriotism and to provide recognition to veterans of all U. S. A. Military Forces, past, present, and future. 

Our goal is to raise funds and accept donations to support the establishment and maintenance of a Veterans Memorial Park as a non-profit organization. 

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Our main priority is to provide the Veterans of Carroll County an appropriate memorial.  We want to have a prestigious place to assemble for Memorial and Veteran’s Day Programs, as well as a place for individuals and families to have a quiet place to remember their loved ones.

Our goal is to make this the prettiest and most impressive place in Carroll County because that is what our Veterans and Troops deserve.  Eventually we want to have funds available to care for the park and continue to add names as long as there are wars in which Americans serve their country.

HISTORY: The first meeting was in November 1999.  Carroll County Commission Chairman Jack Bell worked with the committee to select an appropriate site for the park.  A lot of planning, organizing, and contacting people filled that first year, which culminated in a groundbreaking ceremony on November 11, 2000 at the park.  In April 2001 grading work began to prepare for the park development.  The flagpole was installed in July 2001 and a walkway from the parking lot to the flagpole was constructed.  Footings for the first 16 walls were poured October 2001. Ray Roddenberry, a U.S. Navy Veteran, served as Architect/Designer and Project Manager for the Park as long as his health permitted.  The Park was dedicated on November 10, 2001, with Georgia State Senator Max Cleland as the keynote speaker.  The decision was made to make the Veterans’ plaques out of Georgia Cherokee White Marble, from Tate, Georgia. These plaques measure 16 inches high by 16 inches wide.  Currently these are purchased from Tennessee Marble Co., Friendship, Tennessee (Near Knoxville). These walls are trimmed with polished black granite to match the other walls and the sign in front of the park near the road.

The following paragraph was copied from a booklet listing the veterans names on the first three Walls of Honor with their service description, “The Site and Design Committee, chaired by Mr. Roddenberry, is made up of Association officers and representatives of each of the mainstream veteran’s organizations.  They are Ray Roddenberry, Nellie Duke, Henry Duke, Ferrice Blackwood, Hugh Lee Young, G. C. Burson, M. T. Fuller, Jr., Peggy Kilpatrick, Frank Jones, Bill Maddox, and Tommy Johnson.  The Credentials Committee is chaired by Norris Garrett, and includes members of the Executive Committee.”

Note from Norris Garrett: “Dan Currin was Sammy Robinson’s partner from the start until his death.  When the election was held in February 2003, Garrett was nominated from the floor and was elected Chairman.  He was appointed Vice Chair by Nellie Duke and elected Vice Chair on February 26, 2001.  The first Chairman was Nellie Duke; Vice Chair, Donald Allen; Secretary, Henry Duke; Treasurer, Sallie Burson; First Chaplain, Peggy Kilpatrick.  Walls designs were still on-going in 2001. In a letter dated January 25, 2002 Ray Rodenberry agreed on the first two walls and a contract was signed February 28, 2002 with Eternal Mfg. Co. (Sammy and Dan). Nellie Duke was presented a plaque at the first meeting conducted by Norris Garrett as Chair – April 21, 2003.  On March 24, 2oo3 Eddie Gains started as Treasurer.  In July 2003 sidewalks were done by Mike Norton.”

Norris Garrett has served as Credential Chairman from the beginning and he is still filling this position.  To date we have completed 21 Walls of Honor containing 1,008 individual plaques showing name, rank, and service record.  We are currently working on Wall number 22.  He is the one to contact to purchase a plaque.  He can be contacted at 770-836-1111, 770-834-7085, or cell 770-653-5007. You may look on the web site to see if a certain veteran’s name is already on the Walls of Honor at (designed and maintained by Violette Denney with the help of her friend in August 2008) and click on “Wall of Honor Directories” shown on the left side of the screen and then click on the first letter of the last name.  For the latest Park news and pictures visit the blog (designed on May 18, 2007 and maintained by Violette Denney) at

In 2002 the first two walls were under construction.  Garrett said, “The minutes show in August 2002, still working on the templates for the first two walls.  And, again on October 28, 2002, the minutes state frustration of members because nothing has been done to finish the park in the last year, since the park dedication.” The wall was completed late in the year 2002.  The plaque for Floyd E. Hoskins is in the first space on the first Wall of Honor.  Hoskins was a Captain in the US Navy.  He entered service in 1938, served through WW II and the Korean Conflict. A Language Specialist, he served in Intelligence and retired in November 1958 with 20 years of service.  He received many awards and these are recorded on his plaque.  Walls 3 and 4 were completed by February 2003.  Walls 5 and 6 were installed in June 2004, Walls 7 and 8 were installed in November 2004, Walls 9 and 10 were completed in February 2005, Walls 11 and 12 were installed in January 2006, Walls 13 and 14 were completed in May 2007, Walls 15 and 16 were installed in March 2008, Walls 17 and 18 were installed in December 2009, and Wall 19 was completed in August 2010.  Wall of Honor 20 was completed in December 2011 and Wall of Honor 21 was installed in September 2012.  The Walls have 48 plaques on each side with a total of 96 on one two-sided wall.  While the Walls of Honor are our priority, we have added many other walls and features to recognize and honor others.  There are a total of 24 Walls of Honor in the current park which means only two will be left to fill when Wall of Honor 22 is completed – we are taking reservations for Wall of Honor 23 at this time.  After that, we will need to add more walls.

The KIA (Killed-in-Action) Walls of Honor were created between October 8, 2004 and January 26, 2005.  The KIA Walls are up to date and contain all the Carroll County Veterans of all the US Wars beginning with the American Revolution that we were able to verify.  These walls contain names from the following: 194 War Between the States, 19 WW I, 92 WW II, 10 Korea, 14 Vietnam and 5 Iraq which total 334 in all.  “A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to ‘The United States’ for an amount up to and including his life.”

The Contributor Wall of Honor has been constructed using polished black granite and is being updated as new contributors qualify.  It contains the names of those who gave $500 or more toward building the park.  Without these patriotic citizens, we would not have a park.  This wall was added in 2007.

Bricks line the walkways and each one has a name of on individual, who purchased the brick for $50 to show their support of the Veterans and the Memorial Park.  Currently we have 796 engraved.  Some of these have a veteran’s name but anyone can have their name on a brick.  Contact a member of the Veterans Park Committee for a blank request form. Children really get excited to have their name on a brick.  These make wonderful gifts including memorial or honorary gifts.

Landscaping in the park has added to its beauty and for that we have to thank many contributors.  It was a tremendous job which could only be done after the large, heavy walls were put in place.  Sandra Veirling, landscape architect, volunteered her time and expertise to create a plan which could be executed in phases, as we could raise the funds.

We have raised and spent well over one half million and when you add the volunteer hours and materials you can definitely say we have a MILLION DOLLAR PARK!

The Memorial Park reminds us of the importance of honoring the brave men and women of the US Military Forces – past, present, and future. We want them to know that we are grateful for the enormous sacrifices they made for the freedoms we enjoy every day.  I hope it will continue to inspire everyone to support our troops and veterans.

We are a Non-Profit Organization approved by the IRS under the Code Section 501© (3).  All contributions are tax deductible.

Violette Denney said, “I believe that heroes are the people who do what has to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.  Veterans are our heroes!  Please consider the ones who served and now live with injuries for the rest of their lives.  Remember the park is built to be accessible by everyone and is open 24/7.  I have been actively involved in the Park since early 2003. Therefore, I may have omitted information that should have been included or may have some dates inaccurately recorded but I tried to include everything to the best of my ability. Some records were not available or incomplete.  I served as membership chairman during 2003, 2004, and 2005 and prepared a Directory for easy reference.  In 2006, I was elected Treasurer and assisted with many other tasks.”



“Our symbol of Appreciation” – that is what it is all about!  We are grateful to all our troops and veterans for fighting for and preserving our precious freedoms.  Our men and women, as well as their families, have sacrificed tremendously to keep our country free. We know freedom is not free!  We know every veteran will not choose to have their name on the Wall of Honor – but it is our hope that each one will elect to have their name posted and be recognized for their patriotic service.
This book is to record the journey taken during the first years of the development of the Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park.  Some of the earliest records are not available, so I will include as much as I can to make it complete. We have had numerous donations and contributions to make the park possible……. We appreciate every one!  The donated time, talent, materials, and money all added together total over a MILLION dollars.      We have a MILLION DOLLAR PARK and it is accessible to everyone 24/7.
It is our hope that parents, teachers, and leaders will take advantage of every opportunity to introduce the park to our children and help them understand the importance of being patriotic and showing our appreciation to the men and women who are putting themselves in harm’s way every day to make it possible for us to enjoy living the American Dream – especially those who gave their life!  It is extremely important that we help the veterans who are returning from the war zone with injuries and try to make their lives as comfortable as possible.  Students should learn about their ancestors and their service – honor them for volunteering to serve.  Each veteran has a unique service record and we need to know about their contributions to our American Heritage.
The park committee hosts two programs at the park each year – Memorial and Veteran’s Day.  Everyone in our entire area is invited to come and enjoy the music and listen to an outstanding speaker.  It is usually on the Saturday nearest the designated holiday, at 10 A.M.  The park is open for other programs throughout the year and several groups have scheduled events there.  Contact a member of the park committee and let your request be known.